As it is apparent that the majority of sea battles this year will be abandoned without a cannonball being fired, I am considering a letter to the Midweek League Committee (also known as Everett) about the possibility of insisting that the teams involved resolve their differences by playing darts cricket instead.
The concept would be that all teams drawn at Kingholm 2 would instead nominate three players to meet each other on the night of the fixture. Wikipedia mentions several sets of rules for Darts Cricket, most of which would be beyond the comprehension of most midweek players after a couple of drinks, so I propose to suggest the following format:
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The New Kingholm 2? |
- Toss is replaced by 'middle for diddle'.
- Players throw in nominated order, teams taking turn and turn about.
- Bowling team goes first
- Bullseye scores two wickets, outer bull one wicket. But darts outside the treble ring are scored to the batting team.
- Batting team scores runs for every three darts thrown less 40 until all out. Rounds less than 40 score nothing, but bulls are scored as wickets.
- Points are allocated to participating teams as per usual rules (no rain-offs allowed).
Obviously this format has the key advantage that dartboards are always drier than Kingholm 2, so all Midweek League fixtures would be played and no-one would need to get wet unless they spill their beer. Also teams are unlikely not to have enough players.
One obvious problem is that, as there is currently no dartboard at The Ship Inn, we are struggling for a local venue that has both a dartboard and real ale.
Unless of course, you know better...