Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Shipwrecks Performance Management 2013


Generally it was a stop start season. We started a few games well and stopped a lot of our innings by running ourselves out. We only won a couple of league games but weren’t outshone in any, but just 'couldn’t get over the line'! Our season was typified by the final where, without a couple of silly run outs we could easily have won the game.

The most important thing was we played the game with good spirit and enjoyed it.

Individual Performances

In alphabetical order - with no favouritism or bias:

1. Sid (Decommissioner) Barbour

A great asset when he could play, brought experience, athleticism and sarcasm to the team, a good end to the season. Practised hard.

2. Andy (Angry) Cameron 

Fleeting appearances but showed his accuracy in bowling as ever, hope to get more out of him next year.

3. Geoff (Donkey) Dean 

Magnificent at all he tried-particularly running himself out and bowling wides.

4. Rory (Moody but Magnificent) Dean.

Developed well as a batsman and bowling improved towards end of the season. Some good fielding performances.Often had words of advice for his father.

5. Peter (Hammy) Harrison

A great start and finish to the season. Hamstrung in the middle. A great addition to the after match analysis (aka a couple of beers in the Ship)

6. Kelvin (Muller it) Maxwell 

Some great contributions with bat and gloves, succumbed to disappearing at end of season.

7. Donald (Gloves) McCuaig

Again some great performances with bat and gloves-and some we try to forget. Will be a battle to get gloves off him next year - he now sleeps with them on.

8. Alasdair (Skipper Elect) McEwen  

Showed great passion when threatening to beat all opponents any shade of blue available if we lost. Great opening bowler and developing as middle-order batsman to be relied on (sometimes).

9. Sandy (Too Far) McNay 

Reluctant to play at anywhere not called Kingholm, so not able to feature a great deal.

10. Sid (Your Call) Oates 

Hit a few good runs and enjoyed his cricket. Never heard to speak when batting.

11.  Gregory and Mathew Robertson

Not available a great deal due to other interests.

12.  “Superstar “Sarosh

Our import this year who bowled and batted with élan. Has invited all the boys to his wedding in Bangalore -TOUR!!

13. Mike (Smackit) Service

Developed his all round skills including the ability to score sixes at will (well he got one). Handy back up bowler, wicketkeeper and go-anywhere fielder.

14. Colin (Cat amongst the Pigeons) Taylor 

Usual great contributions with bat, ball, in the field, umpiring and winding up the opposition.

15. Jim (Wistful) Worthington 

Some great catches, some great drops and some decent batting. We haven’t seen the best of Jim yet.

 © Rear Admiral G. Dean c/o The Admiralty. Whitehall, London

P.s. How can you have a Performance Management Report with no KPIs?