Wednesday, 27 February 2013

AGM - Advance Warning!

Shipwrecks in AGM Training
For those who do not own a mobile phone (or have lost it), there has been an urgent semaphore transmission from our Hon. Purser, Geoff Dean concerning the details of this year's AGM:

Date:  Friday 8th March
Time: 19.30 hours (approx)
Location: The Ship Inn, Dumfries

As usual the AGM will be followed by a subsidised meal at a mystery location and a lengthy odyssey taking in various coastal hostelries.

Geoff also requests that all hands reaffirm their unswerving loyalty to the Shipwrecks' cause by agreeing to play again for the coming season.

Note: Being under age is no excuse for not attending the AGM as The Ship has a licence that allows juniors on the premises.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Shipwrecks Win Something!

Hot news from the world of pub quizzery: Last night witnessed a major upset when the Shipwrecks outfit came out tops of the Ship Inn pub quiz, astounding the bookies and bringing back vague memories of our double winning season on the field in 2004.

Less charitable participants claimed that the team had breached quiz rules by fielding five players instead of four, but those familiar with the Club will of course realise that this was just down to the usual disorganisation and remember all those occasions when we have turned up for games overmanned or short-staffed.

The hastily assembled squad of Colin Taylor, John McMillan, Donald McCuiag, Sid Oates and Jim Worthington all performed creditably on the night, amassing a total of 73 which compares favourably with some of our less auspicious cricket totals. Key moments in the quiz, besides gaining an amazing 22/25 in the music round,  were remembering the name of a hurling stick, Lord Rockingham XI's 1958 hit, the oldest whisky distillery in the world and Ronald Reagan's middle name, all of which were answered successfully.

The first prize of £20 was donated by unanimous consent of team members to club funds to help cover the heavy cost of the forthcoming AGM celebrations.

Whether we can maintain this sort of form when the season starts is another matter.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Anyone For Pre Season Training?

St Michael's are offering a one hour net practice session for all players interested in playing in their weekend side this summer - confident that the swamps and navigation channel on the way to Kingholm 2 will have been converted into something ressembling the Centre Court at Wimbledon by Mayday.

This seems like an excellent opportunity for us to sneak in some practice manoeuvres before the renewal of hostilities in the Midweek League.  The session will take place on Tuesday 19th February between 8.00 and 9.00 pm. at the Academy Sports Hall and any keenies could presumably progress to Saints' Sunday sessions throughout March.

This is also the time to start pressganging any would-be players who have some inkling of the game of cricket, so please send the details of any you have captured so far to Geoff.