Thursday, 28 April 2016

New Season Starts

Distress flares have recently been issued by a number of Shipwrecks (well, two actually) who state they have not been receiving any wires concerning the start of the forthcoming cricket season and are therefore ignorant of what course to set after Mayday.

For the eradication of all doubt, our first game will be against Burgh Boys on May 5th (that's next Thursday!) assuming a Royal Navy icebreaker succeeds in breaking up the ice on Kingholm 2.

All fixtures are now available on on the Midweek League Website together with an updated list of team contacts (except Gatehouse/Galloway Allstars) and the confusing new rules, which could cause a lot of yarns below decks at night in The Riverside.

Now is anyone up for a practice session?...

Friday, 15 April 2016

Pre Season Semaphore!

Attention all Shipwrecks! Here follows a couple of urgent communications on behalf of The Admiralty!

Practice Drills

Egged on by Danny McBryde, it is time for slumbering Shipwrecks to raise from their bunks. A practice session is likely to be annonced shortly.  Stay on this frequency for further briefings!

2006 League's AGM

As you possibly know, the League AGM took place last week, with Captain MacCuaig nobly representing the Shipwrecks.

There are now some notes on the AGM outcomes, but you'll need to read them via the following links, as Telegraph Officer Taylor was too lazy to type them all out again in morse code:

Incidentally, League fixtures will commence on 4th May.