Monday, 12 September 2016


At their AGM on Friday in the Riverside Bar the crew members present agreed a new future for Shipwrecks CC.

The meeting was quorate but cabin boy Danny was reported missing presumed lost overboard, the crew agreed a keelhauling was the least he deserved.

The chair for the evening was Naebeard Dean who had taken stock of the provisions afore the meeting, The captain and vice-captain's report became a shaggy dog story of if's,buts, and maybes but crew mates agreed we had a season of calm seas and turbulent storms mixed together ,as ever, for the Shipwrecks.
Special mention was made of the development of the  bowling of Jim (Francis Drake ) Worthington who seemed to master the art even whilst the Shipwrecks were floundering. Despite strenuous efforts by Naebeard his faultless display behind the timbers was not mentioned!

The treasurer (Naebeard again) reported on the need for more booty next year as the cash did not flow adequately this year , although there was a contribution to the grog and ships biscuits later.

The chief blogger reported the  need for a little help/additional input and Naebeard volunteered again!! Those present made very positive comments about Colin's great work with the Ships (B)log thus far.

New crew members  will be sought before the next season of voyages-several seaworthy names were mentioned and a raid on the good ship Thornhill may be made. Others mentioned as hearty fellows were Alan, Connor and the Blackbeard Shabba. Fallas D was agreeable to recruit or Shanghai as many as possible.

Donald was reinstated as captain of the team as he is on a steep learning curve and will be ably assisted by Fallas D and a whole host of crewmen shouting flotsam .

Burser will continue to be Naebeard with enforcement duties ascribed to Mike (Senior) Service.

A bounty of £20 will be paid by each player at the start of the season to avoid needing to collect every week, those who don't wish to pay £20 can continue to pay £2 per voyage, but will be more effectively collected.

A voyage to the far off reaches of the Sea of Mid-Nithsdale will be made to give the crew a run out before the start of next season.

Mike agreed to get information about the Sannox sixes as a tour option next hear. Some of the crew felt a little mal de mer at the thought but agreed to consider it.

The meeting then abandoned ship and headed for the Spice Islands across the road before briefly mooring at the Ship, anchor was not weighed here as they had a poor quality of grog on offer. A return to the Riverside followed where it appeared that some of the crew had either fallen over the side or had been taken by pirates to another place.

All reported to shore bases and arrived safely home, although some appeared wetter than others!!

The Shipwrecks blog will be in dry dock for a while now but should be seaworthy again come the spring.

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